Hidden Ville


Hidden Ville 

One day the ponies were going to explore the world. It was their first time of doing that. They were exited. So they packed everything that they needed. They went to the airport and Lily was scared because it was her first flight. Since they waited a long time for the flight, they had a lot of fun. Then they got onto the flight and took off.

Suddenly a strange sound came from the flight. The flight was falling! All the ponies were screaming. All the other ponies took parachutes and jumped out of the flight. But Wing Fire, Daisy, Lily, Rosy and Lollipop had no parachutes! So they sat tight on their seats and crashed!

They landed together and they weren’t wounded! They were in a mysterious place. No one was there. So they became the first gang who discovered that land and named it as “Hidden Ville”. They became famous by discovering the Hidden Ville. Then they lived there happily ever after.



                                                        THE END


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